Completed: 2018
Size: 68,000 ft² / 6,317 m²

Southeast Collegiate (SEC) is a private high school whose mission is to provide sound academic standards and other educational opportunities for Aboriginal high school students. The students who are accepted move to Winnipeg from their home communities to live in a lodge building on the school campus.

The Collegiate is responsible for minors, and as a result, there is a rigorous focus on student safety. The staff at the school must be able to control security in the building efficiently and effectively while maintaining a warm and welcoming environment. 

Students, staff and visitors are welcomed to the building through an entry plaza incorporating trees and seat walls. The rear courtyard  includes a ceremonial fire pit as well as a bonfire area with a variety of seating options for students to gather together. A circular seating area with radiating bands oriented toward the cardinal directions provide an opportunity to incorporate interpretive elements such as text or illustrations. 

Cibinel Architecture Ltd designed the facility to exceed the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings by taking a no-nonsense approach to selecting efficient features. The building systems are based on fast-payback and long-term operating costs so that SEC realizes energy savings while moving into a new facility with higher indoor air quality and occupant comfort.

2020 ECC Architectural Design Awards Program Finalist

Southeast Collegiate Celebrates Grand Opening of $24M Campus, CBC
Receive a Quality Education that Includes Traditional, Cultural and Academic Teachings, Southeast Collegiate
New First Nations High School Celebrated in South Winnipeg, CTV News
Southeast Collegiate: It’s Not About a High School Education. It’s About the Future of People
Southeast Collegiate Celebrates Grand Opening of Their New State-of-the-Art School Facility in Winnipeg, Government of Canada