160 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K9
Completed: 2003
Size: 210,000 ft² / 19,509 m²

The Red River College Roblin Centre is a state-of-the-art business, multi-media, and information technology learning centre. The new campus is located in one of Canada’s National Historic Sites, Winnipeg’s Exchange District, and showcases a strong commitment to “green” architecture and historic conservation. New construction complements the restored façades and interior spaces of five prominent heritage buildings on Princess Street as well as a 1905 warehouse on William Avenue. Materials are rendered with inherent colours and textures, thus providing an aesthetic that resonates with authenticity to the existing context.

An atrium, bisecting the historic Princess Street buildings, juxtaposes old and new – and forms the heart of the Campus. A former lane is also transformed into an atrium serving as a gathering space and circulation spine for the facility. Where new products were required, preference was given to those having recycled content, those manufactured from renewable resources, or those manufactured locally.

Conceived before LEED was instituted in Canada, the Red River College Roblin Centre is the largest project to date to meet the C-2000 Federal Sustainable Development performance standards, which includes reduction in energy consumption by 45-50%, roughly based on the Model National Energy Code for Buildings, in addition to broad environmental performance improvements. An extensive green roof is featured in a prominent public location on the campus. Beyond the inherent sustainable benefits, this roof is planted and monitored by academic researchers in order to establish appropriate species for northern climates.

2006 RAIC Urban Design Award
2004 Society for College & University Planning Honor Award, Excellence in Planning
2004 Heritage Winnipeg Preservation Award of Excellence
2003 Heritage Winnipeg Preservation Award of Excellence
2003 Canadian Urban Institute Brownie Award, Best Overall Project

Red River College’s Princess Street Campus, Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
A Green Lantern, The Princess Street Campus of Red River College, Concordia University
Red River College Optimizes its Princess Street Campus, Boma Manitoba

This project was undertaken by Corbett Cibinel Architects.