Completed: 2012
Size: 3,000 ft² / 278 m²

G House is located in Crescentwood, a 1920 – 1940 era suburban residential area near the vibrant Corydon village. The house was conceived as suburban oasis, accommodating a very private lifestyle, while facilitating entertainment and social gatherings. The residence reverses traditional concepts of house and yard within a typical single-family detached suburban neighborhood by placing the house at the edge of the site rather than at its centre and framing the remainder of the site with an eight-foot high Tyndall stone wall to create a courtyard. The courtyard becomes the central focus, a sun lit extension of the home’s living space that is developed as hard surface and lush vegetation.

Detailing of G House is in a minimalist modern style, reflecting the designer’s concern for the effective use of materials, and the exploration of current technological advancements. The house expresses current industrialization through the exposure of raw industrial components such as hollowcore concrete, steel columns and beams, glue laminated wood and various fasteners. Local wood and Tyndall stone finishing materials were specifically chosen for G House as a strategy to fit this stylistically modern and minimalist structure amongst older homes designed in traditional architectural styles utilizing similar materials.

2015 Prairie Wood Design Award
2014 Manitoba Masonry Design Award, Residential Single Unit

This project was undertaken by Cibinel Architects Ltd.

Photographs by Jerry Grajewski