Cibinel Architecture is a professional consulting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Offering a personalized service to our clients, we focus on innovative solutions that embody meaning in our design.

We take a holistic look at every project – the physical, cultural, and economic environment; functional requirements; budget and schedule constraints; as well as our client’s overall mission and guiding principles.

Our aim is to create spaces that encourage community engagement, where people can come together and exchange ideas – places where people enjoy being and are able to thrive and grow.

Having grown into a respected design studio, our firm is both multi-dimensional and integrated. Our team includes senior level architects and recent graduates. We work with the latest design and communication software used throughout the industry.

With a thirty-year+ history, Cibinel had its roots in 1993, in the partnership of Corbett Cibinel Architects; incorporated as Cibinel Architects Ltd., in 2008, and established Cibinel Architecture Ltd., to carry on the practice in 2015.